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Welcome to my blog

The French name Vert au Verre translates to Green to Glass in English: the inspiration for this blog started with a glass of freshly made green juice!

This blog is for everyone who wishes to gradually introduce more plant-based protein in their diet. If your goal is to eventually adopt a flexitarian, vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, you will find guidance here. My recipes are also perfectly suited for people who wish to benefit from a gluten-free and dairy free diet, or for those who wish to simply recalibrate their dietary habits. The transition process of adopting a healthier diet, or a whole new lifestyle, can be quite challenging and time consuming. I intend to share my knowledge in nutrition and my cooking experiences to offer a variety of recipes, approved and tested, for the whole family.

About the blogger


My name is Valerie, I’m a blogger, and mom of two active boys. A few years ago, I had a "aha moment" after viewing quite a few documentaries and reading many books detailing the link between food and : health, animal welfare, the environment, and world hunger. I wanted to eat less meat, and eventually adopt a mostly plant-based diet.

I did a lot of research before making the transition to eating a plant based diet. In fact, I discovered many fascinating related disciplines including vegetarian and vegan philosophies, the human microbiome, gluten-free and dairy-free diets, and nutrigenomics. To broaden my knowledge, I undertook studies in Nutritional Sciences and got my degree. Moreover, I took cooking classes to better master the art of vegan, raw, and gluten-free cuisine and homemade fermentations.

After adopting a mostly plant-based diet, I discovered firsthand the many health benefits of my green lifestyle. I was so enthusiastic about the new foods and recipes I was discovering, that I decided to embark on a new endeavor : offer transition guidance and support for individuals who wish to adopt an energizing, wholesome, earth friendly and ethical diet. The eating lifestyle I promote is flexible and non restrictive, it aims at gradually reducing the consumption of animal products, processed foods, gluten, and adding more natural foods, raw and fermented ingredients, juicing and blending, for optimal nutrition and health.

Making the transition from eating meat, or animal by-products, at every meal, to eating almost only plant-based protein sources can be tricky when you make the switch on your own. Moreover, if you are also making changes for your children and your spouse, some resistance is to be expected in the beginning. I have experienced these challenges, and pushed through to finally achieve my goal: prepare healthy well-balanced and delicious meals without depending on meat. My kids and spouse actually enjoy smoothies with wheatgrass and hemp seeds in them, their taste buds and cravings have evolved.

It’ll be “smooth(ie)” sailing from here on...

Valérie Gagnon


Val’s Favourite Vegan Recipes